We’re woodworkers and passionate about our craft.  Finding reliable reviews is difficult enough, not to mention solid research is often buried in a mound of clutter.

We also share this frustration.  Mounds are only for sawdust.

So, we created WWC for both our benefit and yours.  Our mission is to provide succinct and reliable research to guide you in your sawdust journey.

What does succinct and reliable mean? It means that we’ll not only give you the facts, but also provide actionable recommendations.  

Other resources bait you with “Best Of” headlines only to regurgitate easily-accessible information with no conclusion.  Conversely, we first organize the facts and findings, then summarize them, and finally give you specific recommendations towards improving your woodworking workflows.

We participate in affiliate programs to offset the cost of operating WWC.  Check out our affiliate disclosure for more information.

Have a question?  Drop us a note and we’ll be in touch.

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